Since the last two updates after starting rendering the app resumes with a blue screen. So it became absolutly useless.
Can you copy and paste the benchmark data?
For all bug reports, we will need the system profile at a minimum, please.
How To Obtain Your System Profile (Windows)
How To Obtain Your System Profile (Mac)
I just installed Video AI with a completely new copy, having previously uninstalled the old version. I also changed my graphics driver from GeForce 3070Ti Studio Driver to Game Ready Driver version 532.03.
Then I tried to enhance a short video clip with an original resolution of 640x480 pixels. The enhancement without scaling worked, but when I tried the same with upscaling to FHD format, the blue screen reappeared.
Please enable logging, recreate the issue, reopen the app and share the logs.
Also, are you using an external monitor?
To gather logs, please select Help > Logging and make sure that there is a check mark next to Logging. Next, recreate the issue and then return to the Help menu and select > Get Logs for Support and attach the zip file to your reply.
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