Beta Testing

What happened to the Beta Testing category? It has disappeared from my computer.

I’ve had that happen…make sure you are signed in.

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I am definitely signed in, but that does not help.

Disappeared on me too! Signed in as well. Anyone have a thought on fixing this?

@dboucher1054 If you try this link does it load for you?

Yes, Thank you Russell! No new testing right now?

Debi Boucher




Nevermind – I see there is. Working today, so I’ll jump in later. thanks much.

Debi Boucher




In both Safari and Firefox, I get a message saying that that page does not exist. However, I am able to get to where I need. Everything now looks different.


In case anyone else comes across this thread and is not able to find beta testing like they used to, maybe a saved bookmark / favorite. The main beta category used to have 2 categories for each product. These have been consolidated down to one. We found that even we were often posting the updates in the wrong one. If you are a beta tester and can’t seem to find the beta’s here’s a link to the main beta category, you can choose your product specific category from there. If you can’t see this and instead get the “oops” page let me know and we’ll see about getting you in :wink:

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