AV1 encoder is busted for vertical videos

NVIDIA RTX 4070 Super
Any video with a vertical aspect ratio run through the AV1 encoder set to any/auto bitrate will produce a video often containing only a single corrupted frame. Included is a test video run with the same settings after being cropped inside the application itself.

PROOF.zip (22.0 MB)

May be “maxBitRate”: 800 is just a good joke even more if 10b

If 4000 series

    "id": "av1-10bit-win-nvidia",
    "encoder": "AV1",
    "profile": "10-bit Tweaked",
    "allowsAlpha": 0,
    "gpu": "nvidia",
    "ffmpegOpts": "-c:v av1_nvenc -preset p7 -b_ref_mode middle -bf 2 -pix_fmt p010le",
    "ext": "mkv",
    "os": "windows",
    "device": "nvidia",
    "maxBitRate": 6000,
    "targetBitRate": 4000,
    "minSize": [1,1],
    "maxSize": [8704,8704],
    "maxBitDepth": 10,
    "compute": 809,
    "metadata": {
        "color_primaries": "bt2020",
        "transfer_characteristics": "smpte2084",
        "matrix_coefficients": "bt2020nc",
        "chroma_location": "centered",
        "color_range": "full"


    "id": "av1-cpu-10bit",
    "encoder": "AV1",
    "profile": "10-bit CPU",
    "allowsAlpha": 0,
    "gpu": "none",
    "ffmpegOpts": "-c:v libaom-av1 -cpu-used 4 -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -crf 24 -b:v 0 -row-mt 1 -tiles 4x4 -fast-decode 1",
    "ext": "mkv",
    "os": "windows",
    "minSize": [1, 1],
    "maxSize": [8704,8704],
    "maxBitDepth": 10,
    "metadata": {
        "color_primaries": "bt2020",
        "transfer_characteristics": "smpte2084",
        "matrix_coefficients": "bt2020nc",
        "chroma_location": "centered",
        "color_range": "full"
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What do I do with this information?

Edit your C:\ProgramData\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Video AI\models\video-encoders.json
Add it and try

I just realised the original shit inside it …

You may need to add this to force encoder if problem remains

"ffmpegOpts": "-vf scale=<width>:<height>",
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Thanks for reporting this, it should be resolved in the next update.

In the meantime if you want to fix it, you will need to go into the .json script and delete “-tile-columns” “2” “-tile-rows” “2”
image (4)

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In other words -tile-columns and -tile-rows do not exist with Nvenc av1_nvenc

This is beacuse parallezing is handled by Nvenc

However these parameters remains “allowed” by NvencC which drastically improve image quality out of 4000

–tile-columns [AV1]

Set number of tile columns. (default: 0 = auto)

  0 (auto), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64

–tile-rows [AV1]

Set number of tile rows. (default: 0 = auto)

  0 (auto), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
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This bug was NOT fixed in 5.5.0 despite the solution being documented here!