Apple ProRes 444 XQ

Is the the preferred settings to use on Macs with M series chips?

The settings will change based on what you are trying to do and what types of videos you are working with. ProRes 4444 XQ are large files which can be a downside if you have limited hard drive space but it is ideal for retaining quality in the video.

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I tried ProRes XQ once on my Mac Studio but found it very GPU intensive, therefore affecting the overall performance. Personally, I find ProRes 422 Standard just right, with no visual loss of quality as far as I can tell, and absolutely no performance loss.



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I have plenty of HD space to store things. 12TB. I have like 50 or more Family videos shot from the years. Also friends family videos they want me to run through it…

Oh ok, I’ll try that on my next video. Thank you.

I tried that and you are right. Looks great. I’ll stick to the ProRest Standard from now on.

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