Here’s my problem… I queued up a bunch of small clips to be processed from longer video. At one point I went to 4X slomo and did not notice the next 5 or 6 clips from same source are now set for frame interpolation 4X slomo.
I would LOVE to strip out the slomo part of the FFMPEG command I see in the queue. I can copy the FFMPEG command… get into a text editor and cut it out… but have no idea how to replace the FFMPEG command for that job and then repeat this process for other jobs in the queue.
Any help?
I would just cancel… but the clips required marking in and out, possibly a crop… etc… would take a lot of time and then I’d have to figure out where in the larger video various clips were marked. I’d basically have to redo everything.
My other option is to allow all these 4X slo jobs to just process… and, man, that will take TIME… so, you can see, the ideal for me would be to edit those queued ffmpeg commands.
Are you looking for the export queue? That is in the bottom right corner of the app. Once you submit a video to it you can cancel it if needed be and remove it but then you will have to resubmit it with the settings you want applied.
If you are wanting to change the FFMPEG command line you would want to look at the Command Line Interface option which is outside of the GUI and involves setting up the environment variables and launching from the terminal.
Thank you… but I meant where in windows… where is the folder… if there is one. Through the export queue app interface you can copy the FFmpeg commands but they seem pointless without the ability to alter the commands before the queue gets to them. Tough, I expect, I could then use the CLI with the copied ffmpeg command.
Is that my solution then? Copy each future ffmpeg command in the queue. cancel the queued jobs, then alter the ffmpeg commands and then resubmit via CLI? If I just strip out the slomo part of the ffmpeg commands then it should retain everything else about source, destination, time codes etc. Does that seem right?
Still think being able to paste altered ffmpeg commands in same area where you copy them in the queue would be ideal.
When you do new preview(s) while a active encode is running, export tab can become empty…this is a bug, but encode is still running in the background. When you have this problem, start new second export and open export-tab, everything is shown again.
You can use the cntrl+shift+E option to grab the command line and then open a terminal to alter the command and then submit to the CLI workflow option. In app there is not a way to alter the command line after a video is submitted to the queue.