AI Gigapixel - TIFFs over 2GB have a metadata problem with Photoshop

After many tests on several different images, I’m finding that output 16-bit TIFF files over 2 GB seem to have a problem with metadata. When attempting to open them in Photoshop CC 2018, a message comes up saying “There was an error reading the file’s metadata. This document may be damaged (the file may be truncated or incomplete). Continue?” If I select Continue, the image goes ahead and opens normally.
Similar output files that are less than 2 GB do not have these issues.

I have confirmed on other forums that other users are seeing the same thing. Does anyone have an explanation, and/or a fix?

Do you remember what forums?

What is the pixel dimensions of your output image?

Also a 2GB+ file size TIFF is massive, I have output of 15,000 x 20,000 and it is less than 1GB, remember the limit for TIF is 4GB.

Thank you for your reply, Don. Yes, I am well aware of the 4 GB size limit for TIFF files; I am not hitting that. The files I am generating are in the 2-2.8 GB range; starting with ~16 MP image files about 4600 px wide and upscaling 560-600% to reach 25,920px wide. That is 36" wide at 720 ppi, the latter number being the recommended input for Epson professional printers. I am evaluating whether AI Gigapixel can generate files of sufficient quality for printing at that size. My initial results suggest that it can, when starting with a high quality image file. I’m not the only one testing files of this size for this purpose, by the way.

I do not see the metadata problem for output files that are smaller than 2 GB. I’m not suggesting that it’s a huge problem, because after Photoshop CC 2018 warns about the metadata it goes ahead and opens the file, and the image looks OK. But I would like to know what is causing it, and if it can be circumvented. I have tried changing a number of the parameters in AIG’s dialog, without affecting the result. I’m using Windows 10 on a PC with relatively robust components, if that’s important to know.

One of the forums where this behavoir has been confirmed is Luminous Landscape.

Thanks for the reply, can you raise a technical support request at the Need Help link above. Use the Plug-in link as GigaPixel is a standalone app.

As the files are large it might be worthwhile to compare the before and after metadata to see what is missing or corrupt.

ExifTool or ExifTool GUI is the best.