I can’t find a search dialogue for the site. If there is one, where is it? (I do hope I’m not looking right at it!) [OOPS! found it!]
First: my edit tools are Topaz Studio (incl. all the original plug-ins), Affinity Photo, and Qimage Ultimate. No Adobe programs.
In the meantime: From capture to print, my workflow is based on Adobe RGB. Is there any way to save edits out of Topaz Studio in aRGB? (TIFFs, if that matters.) I tried to learn to live with sRGB, but aRGB images print the way I want them to look, sRGB tends to add a slight red or magenta cast, also gray clouds tend to purple. And months of work, including some test prints, with ProPhoto RGB don’t print as well as aRGB.
If needs must, I’ll continue the extra step of conversion, but it’s a pain. I’m guessing I’m out of luck, but thought I’d ask. (Just learned the other day that I really don’t know everything about everything. Shock!)
I don’t save anything in Studio, but your question made me look. Adobe RGB is there as an option.
However, is this Adobe RGB (1998) which is the Industry standard that I have always worked with, is my question from Topaz techs. If this is the case, then perhaps it would be a good idea to label it the same as Photoshop to avoid any confusion.
Sorry, I didn’t see this reply when you posted this. Just to be clear: when I posted the question in Mar 2018, Studio was still in a version that didn’t allow the option to save in AdobeRGB. The addition of that option was very welcome. I thought.
This made me curious: I re-saved a .tsp file to .tif, selecting AdobeRGB as the save option; when I checked the saved file, it showed only “Adobe98”. In the standard Windows color profile location, I only have “Adobe RGB (1998) D65 WP 2.2 Gamma” and “AdobeRGB1998”. It looks like the Adobe98.icc profile being used by Studio is in “Program Files (x86)\Topaz Labs\Applications\64Bit\iccprofiles\Adobe98.icc”; the size is 1140 bytes, different than the other two.
A Google search yields the official names is “Adobe 98.icc” (with a space).
As to the Adobe98.icc profile, I found nothing in the registry, which would seem to indicate that it is hard-coded into the program itself.
As someone trying to learn how to manage color for printing, I find this to be an extra layer of confusion.
Should I add the Studio Adobe98.icc to my \System32\spool\drivers\color folder? It’s twice the size of Adobe RGB 1998, so does that indicate that it is somehow better?
Dontt know if you found an answer to this but I save in Adobe RGB all the time just from the standard Save As dialogue box. after doing this once, it remembers it each time now.
ICC Profiles usually describe devices, and real devices are never linear. In other words, they generally have a gamma other than 1.0, gamma is simply a tone curve.
First, I’m not currently using Adobe RGB (1998) D65 WP 2.2 Gamma in any of my workflow (as far as I know). It’s on my computer, put there either by MS, HP, or one of the image editing/manipulation programs I have or have had.
I read the CinC article a year or two ago, and am familiar with it. Also the Color-Image article, and other similar articles (DigitalDog, etc). (I don’t use sRGB for printing because I don’t like the way reds and purplish-blues look. Depending on the image, I can often see the difference on screen.) I’m certain I’m doing things wrong, except I like how my prints turn out. (I’ve experimented with different printer evaluation images, using different paper profiles combined with different printer media profiles. Sometimes one has to really look to see any differences.)
My question probably should have been: why is Topaz using Adobe98.icc instead of one of the others already installed on my computer? If it’s better, why wouldn’t I want to use in the rest of my workflow?
iTunes, Qimage Ultimate, Corel, Canon (printer and scanner), Afinity Photo, and more, use AdobeRGB 1998.icc.
There’s only one way for me to find out, and that would be to do what others besides you have told me not to do: test Adobe98.icc by putting it in my System32\etc directory and run a few more tests. (I’ve done this a few times before, I think I tested a linear ProPhoto icc or something.)
This is a user to user forum, please raise a support request on the web site if you want to know the contents of the installation package. Or you could do a Save as, choose the profile, and then use EXIFTool to look at the ICCProfile included with the image
and the question is not answered. sRGB is monitor quality.
Adobe RGB is not Adobe RGB 1998. Because this is a user to user forum and the question has been raised, I would like everyone to be informed. The techs I would think, should be looking at this and answering the question.
Note that if you wish to see what ICC Profile is being used you can either use EXIFTool or open in PS or Affinity Photo etc., which will display the profile name.