A Super program combining GigapixelAI/SharpenAI/DenoiseAI

This would be a GUI program mostly for batch processing that would call to process in a chosen order
Gigapixel/Sharpen/Denoise AI

This would just be a connector that would require the standalones programs installed to work and of course the corresponding licences owned.

For example let’s say I want some images to be first upscale and then choose to process the upscaled images with Sharpen AI and eventually Denoise AI.
For me the best results I get is Gigapixel AI with its internal sharp/denoise settings at zero and then use Sharpen AI and eventually Denoise AI.

This would be a huge time saver and I would pay up to 100$ for this batch/combined possibility offering.

Or maybe why not make this possible with a new Topaz Studio ? Topaz Studio 3 ?

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Add in Mask AI. Hell, a video version of that’d be spectacularly handy.

Video version of masking is a must even if it blue/green/custom color the videos this would be very handy