6.0.1 Nightmare

Why have you changed the whole platform overnight. Im having to learn the program from the start. Simple things like creating a new preset & saving it have disappeared.Everything has changed.

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I just purchased it today. My first 20-second video I’m trying to upscale, it’s been processing for 7-8 hours and it’s barely at the 10-second mark. That quick little video I was going to post today, well, maybe tomorrow.
Looks like another case of I should have done my due diligence. If I’d have known that the processing times were this insane and not the “just a few seconds” like they say in the ads I’m bombarded with on socials, I would not have purchased it.
I’m not making a decision until I see how this video turns out. If it’s not as amazing as ALL THESE HOURS are telling me it’s going to be…